6 Easy Steps to Unleash Growth: How to Propagate a Wandering Jew for a Thriving Indoor and Outdoor Garden

Mentari Aisyah

How to propagate a wandering jew? This question marks the beginning of an adventure in gardening that many homemakers passionate about gardening face. The challenge arises when trying to manage the sprawling nature of this vibrant plant, creating a sense of complexity. The uncertainty and potential frustration agitate the mind as you wonder about the right techniques to use. But here’s the good news: the solution is within reach. In this guide, we’ll unravel the simple yet effective methods to propagate a wandering jew, turning that single lush plant into an array of colorful beauty. So, dear gardening enthusiasts, let’s embark on this journey together and make your indoor garden even more stunning!

The Wandering Jew is a gorgeous leafy plant that hails from Mexico and Guatemala. It features vibrant purple and green stripes on its leaves, making it the perfect addition to any home as it instantly livens up any space. The best part? This plant is super easy to take care of!

Did you know that propagating Wandering Jew is an easy process? If not, give it a try! It’s perfect for beginners attempting to learn how to propagate plants. Plus, this greenery makes for charming gifts for your loved ones.

Keep reading to learn how to propagate Wandering Jew, one of the easiest plants out there.

Wandering Jew Propagation From Stem Cutting

The easiest way to propagate a Wandering Jew plant is by stem cutting. You simply take a piece of the stem from your current plant and let it grow its own roots until it becomes a new plant.

To make sure your new plant is healthy, do some research on propagation before getting started. You’ll need to have certain materials and follow specific steps for a cutting from a stem to successfully propagate your plant.

Tools and Equipment Requirements

Having the proper tools will not only make propagating plants simpler, but also increase your cutting success rate. With more aesthetically pleasing foliage, you can either keep them for yourself or give them away as gifts.

The necessary tools are as follows:

  • For best results, clean your pruning shears with bleach.
  • Pruning shears or a razor can help you get rid of unwanted branches and leaves.
  • Rooting hormone, also known as a propagation promoter, is any typically organic substance that helps encourage and speed up the development of roots in plants.

For soil propagation:

  • A pot for plants
  • Quality potting soil that drains well.

For water propagation:

  • A clear jar or vase.
  • Water that does not contain chlorine

To avoid plant diseases, wipe down your pruning shears or razor with bleach before cutting the stem. If they’re not clean, it could transfer to other plants and increase the chances of your propagation attempt failing.

Where to Take a Stem Cutting

Cut the stem of your Wandering Jew plant just below a node where new growth is sprouting, using scissors or shears that are sharp, clean, and sterilized. This decreases the likelihood that your stem will rot and be unable to grow new roots.

Remove ⅔ of the leaves from the bottom of your cutting so that you will have lots of room to place the stem in water or soil for it to grow.

How to Root in Soil

The best way to ensure that your plant grows properly is to start with the right type of soil. You’ll want a soil that drains well, but isn’t too heavy because it could retain too much moisture and rot the stem before it has a chance to grow roots.

Before planting, choose soil that has the ideal mix of drainage and nutrients for your plant. Make sure it’s saturated by filling a large container with water and adding the soil. Wait several minutes to allow water to seep in, then break up any clumps before removing excess liquid. The final step is to add a high-quality propagation promoter before placing your stem in the potting mixture

Propagation promoters aren’t always required, but they can save your new plant from bacteria and help the roots grow faster.

How to Root in Water

Use room-temperature, non-chlorinated water to root your Wandering Jew for best results. Place your plant cutting into the mixture of propagation promoter and water.

I always suggest having something that will keep your stem from touching the glass, such as tape along the top of the jar that creates a square in the middle of the opening where your stem can rest. This step gives my propagated plants extra protection against any type of rot and isn’t required, but I like to do it anyway.

For optimal root growth and plant health, change your water every 3-4 days. Once your roots are a couple inches long, transplant it into a well-draining potting mix to allow for continued growth until you have a brand-new baby plant!

How Long Does Rooting Take?

Within a week, you’ll witness new root growth! After two weeks have passed, your stem will boast a robust set of roots. If you opt to propagate in water, it can now be transferred to potting soil that facilitates drainage to preserve its development. Around the four-week mark is when new above-soil growth will start becoming visible!

Remember: where you place your plant can change how quickly it produces roots and new growth. Make sure your plant has access to light but isn’t in direct sunlight. Once you’ve gotten a feel for your plant’s progress, you might have to relocated depending on if the current spot is working well or not.

Wandering Jew Plant Care

Well done on successfully propagating your first Wandering Jew plant! With the following tips, you’ll be able to take care of your houseplant without any problems.


If you want your new plant to grow and prosper, place it in a room with plenty of bright light but away from direct sunlight. You can tell if indirect sunlight is reaching your plant by observing the leaves over time; if they start to look dull, then your plant needs more light. If the leaves are browning, on the other hand, too much light may be hitting them.

Temperature & Humidity

If you live in a temperate climate, the Wandering Jew plant is perfect for your household; they enjoy temperatures of 50 to 80 degrees. Additionally, if you have access to a shady outdoor area, you can also plant them there. However, they much prefer sticking to indoor living where temperature variance is less likely.

If you choose to put it outside, observe the area where you want toput it beforehand so that you can ensure the spot doesn’t get too much sunlight throughout the day. Even though plants can be moved even after they are planted in dirt, it is best to find an appropriate place before planting so that later on it won’t have to be dug up again.

The Wandering Jew adapts easily to different humidities, as long as the environment isn’t too wet or dry. If it seems like the air is a bit dry but the soil is still wet, you can mist the plant to add more moisture and keep it healthy.

Soil Conditions

Your Wandering Jew plant will be happiest in a potting mix that drains well, though this plant is not too fussy. Keep the soil slightly moist, and you’ll have a thriving plant that brings life to your home. If you prefer to make your own potting mix, then you’ll need some perlite, peat moss, and organic compost along with a bit of garden soil. Simply mixing these ingredients together will give your plants the perfect environment.

This plant doesn’t need pre-fertilized soil to grow, but regular fertilization will help it thrive. When adding fertilizer, be careful not to use too much, as this could damage a newly propagated plant.


The primary method of knowing when to water your plant is by touch. Once the dirt feels dry upon being touched, it needs hydration again. Many different conditions affect how quickly topsoil can drought, so a set schedule is often impractical. Be mindful not to overwater as well, or else there’s a chance root rot will develop in your plant.

With a little time and care, you will quickly discover how often your plant needs to be watered. A good rule of thumb is every 3-4 days, but that may vary depending on the type of plant and its environment.

Bottom watering is one of the simplest ways to water your plants, and it allows them to absorb as much water as they need. To bottom water, fill a clean sink with 4-6 inches of water and place your plant’s pot in the sink so that it’s upright. The plant will soak up water through the drainage holes in the bottom of its pot, and after 10 minutes or so you can remove the plant from the sink and let any excess water drain out.


Your new Wandering Jew plant doesn’t require fertilizer to grow healthy, though it would benefit from a high-quality fertilizer every once in a while during the spring and summer months. There’s no need to fertilize in the fall or winter; simply water when the top of the soil begins to dry out.

Use organic fertilizer for your plant if you decide to use fertilizer at all. Your plant will not thrive with any of the chemically based options readily available from most hardware or plant stores. You should be able to find a good quality organic option from any decent sized plants store.

Common Problems

Although every plant encounters difficulties at some point, there are a few problems that Wandering Jew plants face more frequently, such as pests and leggy growth. If you’re struggling with these issues, read on for tips on how to manage them.


Three of the most common pests that will attack your plant are spider mites, aphids, and gnats. If you see any of these insects around your plant or in your home, use neem oil to kill them and safeguard your plant. Even a tiny infestation can result in extensive damage, especially to a newly propagated plant.

Use neem oil to protect your plants from pests by spraying it on as soon as you see any sign of these insects. Reapply the oil regularly, and enjoy your beautiful, pest-free plant.

Leggy Growth

When a plant is “leggy,” it means it is growing taller than normal, which causes problems with the stem. If legginess isn’t taken care of quickly, your plant could die. Legginess occurs when your plant isn’t getting enough light.

The solution to your problem is quite simple: your plant just needs a new place to grow that has more natural light but isn’t in direct sunlight. You might have to trim away some of the legginess, but be careful not to remove all the leaves.

FAQ: How to Propagate a Wandering Jew

Can you propagate wandering Jew using a leaf?

Though it is more difficult, you can propagate a plant from a leaf. However, it is recommended that you use a stem instead for better chances of success.

Is the Wandering Jew plant a succulent?

Although Wandering Jew plants prefer a diverse environment, they are still categorized as a succulent. For this reason, they don’t need as much water or fertilizer during the cooler months of fall and winter.

Propagating Wandering Jew Final Thoughts

By propagating a Wandering Jew plant, you can easily create more clones of the same plant to have in your home. This simple process is something that even beginner plant owners can do and it’s definitely worth it.

Make sure to give your plant the proper care it needs: keep it in a sunny spot with good air circulation, water regularly and make sure not to over-fertilize. If you address any problems quickly, your propagation should be successful! Good luck!

Mentari Aisyah

I'm a passionate gardener with over two decades of hands-on experience in nurturing plants, designing landscapes, and cultivating gardens. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or need personalized advice. Happy gardening!

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